
Thursday, August 7, 2008

Tell us what you really think about the Liberal's Carbon Tax

Atlantic truckers oppose Green Shift
Published Wednesday August 6th, 2008
Carbon tax will 'create welfare instead of wealth': executive director

"The Liberal caucus should also recognize that Atlantic Canadians do not need a carbon tax to lead Canada on emissions reductions," he added. "We do not need Stephane Dion punishing us with a carbon tax that will return pennies to our pockets at tax time, yet take dollars out of our wallets year round."

Nelson predicted the proposed carbon tax will remove billions of dollars from the Atlantic Canadian economy and that using carbon tax windfall in social programs will "create welfare instead of wealth."

H/T to Wilson in the comments of yesterday's post for the link to this article.

H/T to Reaction for the graphics

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In general, BC is against the provincial carbon tax foisted upon us. It would appear that Gordon Campbell and his so-called "Climate Action Team" are politically tone deaf.


Consider increasing carbon tax, B.C. urged

Houses for sale should carry ratings of energy efficiency: advisory group

Scott Simpson, Canwest News Service
Published: Thursday, August 07, 2008

VANCOUVER -- The British Columbia government should consider increasing and expanding its carbon tax if necessary to stay on track with an aggressive target for reducing greenhouse-gas emissions, a provincial cabinet advisory group recommended yesterday.

The Climate Action Team made 31 specific recommendations for action, including "a hard cap" on industrial emissions and expanding the carbon tax to encompass greenhouse gas emissions that now escape the tax. (~)
It says the carbon tax should be increased after 2012 "if required to achieve the emissions targets" and if "key economic factors" and policies in other jurisdictions change. (~)

Wonderful how this "team" is hand-picked by the Premier, and are paid with taxpayer dollars to figure out new ways to tax us.