
Thursday, July 31, 2008

Valeriote Campaign Down in the Dumps

Or at least several dozen of his signs are!

It's been a tough week for Frank's campaign. While Frank, Scott Brison and various other Liberals have been playing with their mud-pies the Liberal Mole decided to make another appearance.

Stephen Taylor has the scoop not only on the upcoming Liberal Green Shift Newsletter but Liberal Staffer's extremely poor taste in humour with their own version of the newsletter.

I guess it's not hard to figure out where Frank and his team get their examples from.

To round things off, the 2nd Quarter Party Financial reports are out and they reveal that Liberal fundraising is as anemic as ever. Angry in the Great White North has two good blogs along with Blue Blogging Soapbox.

"Doing the right thing" sounds good on paper and maybe by the end of the by-election Frank will have figured out what it really means.


Anonymous said...

Don't forget the MTO driving off with a few dozen of their signs!


Anonymous said...

C'mon it's a hoax you fool.