
Sunday, July 6, 2008

Sue-Ann Levy and vacation plans

I always enjoy reading Sue-Ann Levy's columns in the Toronto Sun. One of her favourite ways to refer to Mayor David Miller is "His Blondeness". Today's article features another winner - "Socialist Silly Hall".

I just might have to borrow that one in the future.

I won't be blogging for a week or so. It's vacation time and we're off to the cottage tomorrow morning. I just recently discovered that I could use my Blackberry as wireless modem for my laptop. I was considering taking everything with me. That thought died rather quickly after the wife informed me that I would be missing some vital body parts if I were to carry out my plan.

Next I considered leaving the wireless stuff behind and just bringing the laptop. I figured chances are good that sometime during the week I'll have to run into town for something, right? That plan died a quick death when 15 minutes later my wife popped her head into the room and said "... and if you're thinking about sneaking into town during the week and going online with your laptop, think twice ". Foiled again.

So we're off to spend a glorious (unplugged) week of fun and frolic.

Now where did I put that portable TV. :)

Note: New template today. I hated my initial template, but I picked a quick Blogger default to get things up and running. I initially wanted a 3 column template, but Blogger doesn't offer any in that format. A quick Google search and I found this site, with easy instructions to modify Google's default templates. What I like about this is you still retain the ability to add Blogger Widgets, which you don't always get with other custom templates.

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